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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Run Kali Linux On Android

Requirement :
- Android already in rooting
- Empty memory 4GB
- CPU 1GHz or greater
- 512Mb to 1Gb of RAM minimum

How to Install:

1. Download Linux Deploy from PlayStore

2. Open it and go to settings

3. Selection Distribution: Kali and leave everything else as default, except Disk Image Size, which you should use 7128mb instead of Automatic.

4. Normally it automatically finds your resolution, but you can change it on this page. (One of the last items.)

 Example Display Samsung core I8262

5. Then select Install
6. [IMPORTANT] Be sure to be connected to a Wi-Fi network, otherwise 1.4GB will be downloaded from your Mobile Network.

7. The downloading time is quite long, and you can't lose connection through that, otherwise the .img will be corrupted.

8. Once you see <<< end: installation on the app, download your favorite VNC client and set-up the following configurations:


Port: 5900
Password: changeme
9. You will notice that there's no tools avaliable, open LXTerminal (From the dropup icon of Kali) then type:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Those are minor commands, to really install the tools see next step

10. Type
sudo apt-get install kali-linux -yq
And wait for the full installation to complete, after it's sucesfully done it's good to go!


Which VNC Client you recommend?
I personally like Touchpad mouse settings and a full-screen view, the best free app that does the work for me is bVNC Free.

PostgreSQL gave me an error on the end of installation, is that supposed to happen?
YES, to fix PostegreSQL on Kali Linux ARM you have to whitelist on your network. You can do that by simply typing:
sudo usermod -a -G aid_inet android
IceWeasel (Internet Browser) is not opening! What's wrong?
For some reason when you first install it, the browser is misconfigured. To solve that type:
sudo apt-get install iceweasel
Happy Hacking!

2 komentar:

Unknown said...

mas,,setting vnc gimana kok saya cb error trs,
di terminal ane ketik perintah spt di tutor - not found..

yang mana yang tidak bisa?
hp'n udah di root blm?
